Orphans with Arthrogryposis

There are kids with Arthrogryposis all over the world who wait for a family to call their own. Every child should have a Mama and Papa to love them. Sadly many kids will never know the love of a family as they will live out their shortened lives in institutions. The children posted here are from Reecesrainbow.com If you can't adopt, you can donate to their grants on reecesrainbow.com Don't leave them to die in institutions.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Anthony has a matching grant!!

Our focus child for January has ZERO dollars toward the cost of his adoption! 

Lets change that! 

Remember it will cost around $20,000 to complete the adoption process for Anthony. 

I've had adoptive parents tell me that they were able to commit to their child because they knew a significant portion of the money it would cost to complete the paperwork had already been fundraised. 

So lets help lessen the financial barrier to Anthony getting a committed family! 

For every dollar donated between now and February 15th will be matched up to $1500 total!  

So $1 becomes $2
$5 becomes $10 
$12 becomes $24 
$50 becomes $100

Every.Single.Dollar WILL help!! 

He has waited for THIRTEEN YEARS 

He Turns 14 on February 15th so lets get $3,000 into his account by that time! 

Lets ensure he doesn't have to wait in 2014 too! 


  1. Where is his adoption page, I want to know more.

    1. http://www.eliproject.org/children/anthony/ is his adoption page! Please email me if you want more details/ connection to someone who has met him! traceyschalk@gmail.com

  2. His grant had said $130 was raised last I looked, now it says $0? I am not familiar with Eli Project and how they list the funds, are you aware?

  3. Thank you to all who gave, he has $2184 in his fund. Now he just needs a family!
